Richard Dolan Press

The Richard Dolan Lecture Series
Featuring textual adaptations from many of Richard's most popular lectures.
Volume Two:
UFOs and Disclosure in the Trump Era
by Richard Dolan
Release date, March 17, 2017. 86 pages, illustrated.
$11.95 paperback $5.99 ebook
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What will Trump Do about UFO Secrecy?
For as long as people have talked about UFOs, they have wondered about when and how the governments of the world will acknowledge them. Among people following the subject, that’s called Disclosure.
In this second volume of the Richard Dolan Lecture Series, Historian Richard Dolan tackles an enormous subject. After explaining why UFOs are taken seriously in national security circles around the world, he provides his best analysis to date as to how the secrecy on UFOs has taken form, how it has corroded our society, and how it works internationally. He gives a fresh analysis on the black budget breakaway civilization, on the weaponization of secret technologies, the intelligences behind the UFO phenomenon, and how Russia and China fit into the global UFO cover-up.
He drives his analysis home with four distinct disclosure scenarios: Fascist Disclosure, Premature Disclosure, Insider Disclosure, and People-Driven Disclosure. Finally, Dolan offers a unique view on how the UFO cover-up and possible disclosure could transpire during the presidency of Donald Trump.
One thing is clear: we live in a world that hangs in the balance.

Table of Contents
UFOs: What’s the Big Deal?
Initiating the Secrecy
Implementing the Secrecy Plan
Creating the Black World
Weaponizing the Technology
A Secret Space Program
Desperately Trying to Catch Up
Speculating on the ET Scenario
Layers of Reality
Driving Our Future
The International Scene
Russia and China
The Geopolitical Situation
The Globalists and UFOs
Disclosure Scenario #1: Fascist Disclosure
Disclosure Scenario #2: Premature Disclosure
Disclosure Scenario #3: Insider Disclosure
Disclosure Scenario #4: People Driven Disclosure
The Trump Era and Disclosure
Final Words