Richard Dolan Press

Richard M. Dolan: Video Selection
The full YouTube collection of Richard's videos and audio interviews.
Also see Richard Dolan's YouTube Channel.
Here are a few of Richard's more popular videos.
Richard Dolan, UFO speech, Best speech ever, Citizen Hearing on Disclosure.
Published on May 8, 2013 Richard's fantastic speech on the last day of the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure organized by Steven Basset in Washington DC, best 10 min summary on UFOs ever, way to go Rich!
Richard Dolan: Secret Space Program Conference Amsterdam 2011
Uploaded on Jul 29, 2011 Topic: Worlds Above and Below: How A Secret Civilization Broke Away From Our OwnOne thing that a study of the UFO makes abundantly clear: someone is operating technology that is not supposed to exist, and yet it does. Silent craft, for example, that can instantly accelerate, many of which are said to be of non-human origin, but others which are argued to be of classified manufacture. Is there a clandestine infrastructure that has made significant breakthroughs, but which has kept them secret from the rest of us? Richard Dolan answers in the affirmative. . . .
Uforia Chronicles & Contact Radio Interview Richard M. Dolan June 4th 2014.
Published on Jun 8, 2014
June 4th 2014, Woodbridge, Ontario Canada. At the Warrior Arts Academy.Uforia Chronicles & Contact Radio did a phenomenal Interview with Richard M. Dolan during his Toronto stop with the spectacular Modern Knowledge Tour 2014. Special thanks goes out to Christopher Russak & David Whitehead for making the interview possible.
Richard Dolan. Why UFOs Matter.
published on October 20, 2014
This video was taken in early October 2014 while at a conference in Minneapolis. It's a nice half-hour overview of my most current thoughts at the time of the overall importance of the UFO subject. The setting is very relaxed here, and some important themes were discussed, including a few cases that are unique to my research, as well as why I personally consider UFOs to be so important for us to understand.
UFOs and the National Security State - Richard Dolan LIVE
Uploaded on Nov 11, 2010
LIVE at the 6th Annual X-Conference, held in 2010, Historian Richard Dolan presents an analysis of the patterns of UFO secrecy since the 1940s. Focusing on the national security aspects of the UFO phenomenon, Dolan explains how it was a key factor in the creation of the U.S. "black budget," and hence a subversion of the traditional American political system. He also discusses the paradox of how an end to UFO secrecy is both impossible and inevitable. Finally, he outlines the challenges and probable shape of a post-disclosure world. In other words, "life after contact."
Uploaded on Mar 30, 2011
This is a really fabulous discussion with scholar and researcher, Rich Dolan, author of Volumes I & II: "UFOs and The National Security State" and of the newly released, "A. D. After Disclosure". When we say the Future is Now, this discussion zones in on just that and how the future we are rapidly moving into is manifesting and must be dealt with openly and with care. A frankly open talk about the hard questions that come along as a result of what we know, what isn't generally out there and how what we don't know is impacting the populace behind the scenes in ways they haven't even begun to suspect. . . .