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Richard M. Dolan Articles, 2000-2013


1. The CIA, Official History, and You: A Study of Gerald Haines and UFOs   December, 2000

2. Science, Secrecy, and Ufology December 26, 2000

3. The Death of James Forrestal March 8, 2001

4. Steven Greer and the Disclosure Project May 15, 2001

5. The Lost Opportunity: 1966 in Retrospect

6. Everywhere, by Stealth Nov 8. 2001

7. Some Thoughts on J. Allen Hynek April 21, 2002

8. Getting Inside Your Head: Media, Mind Control, and Marginalization of UFOs Aug 1, 2002

9. The Limits of Science in UFO Research July 2002

10. What We Know About UFOs And Whether It Matters  October 21, 2002

11. What Are They? November 21, 2002

12. Walking a Tightrope December 1, 2002

13. What are the Triangles June 1, 2003

14. The X-Conference: Not Lights in the Sky, but Lies on the Ground April 27, 2004

15. How to Marginalize an Astronaut May 5, 2004

16. SETI Know-Nothings and the Teachable Moment May 9, 2004

17. Mexican UFO Case Still Unsolved May 16, 2004

18. Of Astronauts and Aliens June 14, 2004

19. We Hate Truth June 21, 2004

20. (Not) Knowing the Future September 1, 2004

21. The Unveiling of the National Security State September 21, 2004

22. Understanding UFOs and the Media: Puncturing a Myth October 1, 2004

23. The Real Wonderland November 1, 2004

24. UFOs are Real. So Now What? December 1, 2004

25. Peter Jennings and UFOs: Spinning and Deceiving February 25, 2005

26. Government Lies and UFOs February 26, 2005

27. UFO Secrecy and the Death of the American Repubilc February 27, 2005

28. New Phillip Klass Letter Found October 18, 2005

29. Orwellian America: 9/11 and the Road to Iran May 09, 2008

30. Twelve Government Documents That Take UFOs Seriously December 15, 2009

31. NBC’s “The Event”: A UFO Researcher’s Perspective September 18, 2010

32. UFOs and Nuclear Technology: A Serious Issue September 18, 2010

33. The Malstrom UFO Event: Did It Really Happen? September 27, 2010

34. Project Blue Beam Countdown: Don’t Bet On It October 01, 2010

35. Critical Thinking About UFOs in the Social Media Page October 01, 2010

36. Why I Wrote AD (Or How I Stopped Worrying About the Past and Learned to Love the Future) November 01, 2010

37. Wikileaks and UFOs: Documenting Reality December 01, 2010

38. JFK and Our Secret History  January 11, 2011

39. Lessons From Egypt: The Inevitability of Sudden Change February 11, 2011

40. John Alexander: Realities and Myths March 6, 2011

41. Predictions: The Bane of the Alternative Media August 14, 2012

42. Do UFOs Even Matter? August 29, 2012

43. 9/11: Eleven Years Into the Nightmare September 11, 2012

44. The first few paragraphs of the Conclusion of UFOs and the National Security State: The Cover-Up Exposed, 1973-1991. November 16, 2012

45. Reason and Faith in Ufology February 6, 2013

46. Hope for 2013 February 7, 2013

47. On Being Suicided February 2, 2013

48. UFOs and the National Security State The Cover Up Exposed -  Volume 2, 1973-1991 April 28, 2013

49. Citizens Hearing on Disclosure (CHD): My Six Statements May 15, 2013

50. More Absurdities by the Washington Post May 18, 2013


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